WGST 202
Blog Topic:
Incarcerated Transgender
Review # 1
Rebecca. (2008). “Gender Identity and
Hate Crimes: Violence against
Transgender People in Los Angles County.”
Sexuality Research& Social
Policy, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp 43-52.
In “Gender Identity and Hate Crimes: Violence against Transgender People
in Los Angles County,” Rebecca Stotzer discusses the underreporting of violence
crimes based on gender identity. She
examines cases of violence that were based on the victim’s gender identity,
verbalize high level of prejudices and some of the more complex reasons
transgender persons maybe targets of
these violent crimes. Transgender
socioeconomic, race and sexuality plays important roles in these finding. Stotzer explains why these crimes have gone underreported
and furthermore, I will try to explain transgender to help individuals have a
better understanding of what transgender is / is not and the Human Rights that
are being violated.
In order to understand the problems the transgender populations are
facing first one needs to understand transgender. According to an article by Susan Stryker “Transgender
History” stated, “Being transgendered is like being gay—some people are just
“that way.” Stryker also described that,
“People who feel the need to resist their birth-assigned gender or to live as a
member of another gender have tended to encounter significant forms of
discrimination and prejudice.” Stotzer’s
study of why hate crimes went underreported was that The Hate Crime Statistics
Act of 1990, had reporting of hate-based crimes but none of the information
collected had a little box or a check mark for those that was transgender. They were based on a person sex/gender: male
or female, nothing in between.
Transgender is not on the included on the list of federally protected
statuses in other words the government can’t protect what they do see.
Secondly, race is another factor of hate crime with transgender people in
Los Angeles County. According to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, in 2006 Whites were the lowest race to be
bothered by the perpetrators Latinos and Blacks were the highest. It’s hard to
create a pattern of study since Los Angeles County has a history of racial
tension from the different gangs’ activity.
Transgender people could just be an easy target because many gang
members feel they are an easy prey.
The third issue for transgender people would be the verbalization against
them. Verbalizations an act of a person(s) speaking loud and demeaning and
threaten them. The perpetrator can
physical assault and insult at the same time (ex. “You faggot, I am going to
kick your ass”.)
Finally, Stotzer believes if people understood transgender people the
violence would dropped down with a lack of understand something people tend to
demonstrate the unknown by punishing them.
The United Nations,” Declaration of Human Rights”, states in Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this
Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status. … Article 3; Everyone has the right to life,
liberty and security of person.
This article supplies great information on the transgender
community. The hardship they have to
face daily because of how other people think they should live, if they do not
conform to their way they are then treated like human garbage. WHY?